

June 7, 2023by AJS0

What is thumb sucking habit?


Thumb sucking is a type of non-nutritive sucking (any sucking activity that is not done to consume food or liquids). One of the most prevalent habits among kids is thumb-sucking.

Why do children suck their thumb?


Babies often put their thumbs or fingers in their mouths due to their natural rooting and sucking instincts. This gives them a sense of security, and some infants eventually make it a habit to do this anytime they need emotional support or fall asleep.


How long does thumb-sucking last?


This habit starts early in life. Some babies start sucking their thumb when they are still in their mother’s womb. Some form of hand sucking starts within 2 hours of birth in about 90% of newborns. The habit is considered normal till the first 2 years of life. Between the ages of 2 and 4, the majority of kids cease thumb-sucking on their own.


When should you be concerned about your child’s thumb-sucking habit?


Over time, thumb-sucking has an impact on a child’s mouth and teeth. If the habit persists beyond 4 years of age, some corrective measures may be needed to avoid dental changes.


What are the adverse effects of prolonged thumb sucking?


A child’s teeth can grow unevenly as a result of thumb-sucking. The thumb’s pressure causes the upper front teeth to protrude out. These teeth are more prone to fracture and trauma because of their forward position.

The excessive pressure generated from thumb sucking narrows the upper jaw leading to misalignment of back teeth as well.

After toddlerhood, children who suck their thumbs are more likely to require orthodontic procedures like braces, expanders, and other devices to improve the alignment of their teeth.

It might lead to the development of other harmful oral habits eg tongue thrusting.

Long-term finger sucking can also result in minor conditions like calluses on the thumb, cracked skin, and fingernail infections.


What can you do to encourage your child to stop thumb-sucking?


Identify the underlying cause    – Thumb sucking can be a response to a lack of attention or stress. Reassure your child. Providing them comfort like playing their favorite game along with them or even some quality time or a hug makes the difference.


Don’t scold or over-criticize – Remember the more pressure you put on your child to stop the habit, the more he will feel stressed and that doesn’t help in any way. Instead, try giving them gentle reminders. Never ridicule them in front of others.


Positive reinforcements – Praise your child and reward him when he is putting an effort to stop the habit. A reward can even be a hug, a trip to the park, a sticker near the thumb, or an additional round of his favorite game.


Reminders and restrainers – You can make the child wear long sleeves T-shirt that covers the hands or socks on the hands while they go to sleep. This limits the availability of the thumb, which in some cases might help in preventing thumb sucking while sleeping.

How can a Pediatric Dentist help you?


It can be challenging to break a long-standing habit, and some kids might require extra support. Consult a Pediatric dentist as they are trained to identify the harmful effects of thumb sucking and decide the need and timing for intervention. They may suggest placing a fixed or removable device in the child’s mouth that prevents thumb-sucking. They can also guide you with preventive dental care which is quintessential in kids with deleterious habits.


Aimil Junior Smile with their best pediatric dentists in Delhi, is a one-stop solution for your child’s dental and medical wellness. To make an appointment, get in touch with us at or call us at +91-931-921-2111.


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